Product Description
COLT Single Action Army “PEACEMAKER” .38-40 WCF C&R Revolver SIX-SHOOTER SAA
1st Generation Colt .38 WCF Made in 1902
Here we present a C&R First Generation Colt Single Action Army Revolver in .38-40 WCF, manufactured in 1902 in Hartford, Connecticut. The Colt “Peacemaker” was introduced in 1873 and has become one of the most iconic firearms in all of history, thanks to its widespread use by the U.S. military, civilians and, more recently, in Western films. Total production numbers for the “First Generation” (c. 1873-1940) Colt Single Action Army reached 357,859. These continued to be relied upon as well as “hot-rodded” by the likes of Elmer Keith, Skeeter Skelton, many other lawmen and gun writers of the time.
Calibers, with at least thirty in all, ranged from .22 rimfire through .476 Eley, with approximately half, or 158,884, including Bisley and Flat Top Target, chambered for .45 Colt. The next most popular were the .44-40 Winchester Center Fire (.44 WCF) at 71,392, the 38-40 (.38 WCF) at 50,520, the .32-20 Winchester (.32 WCF) at 43,284, and the .41 Colt at 19,676.
Though Colt enjoyed the largest contracts of any handgun maker during the American Civil War, it had to rely on its array of percussion fired revolvers, namely the 1860 Army until the Smith & Wesson owned Rollin White Patent expired in 1869. This enabled them to begin making revolvers with completely bored through cylinder chambers in order to utilize modern metallic cartridge ammunition in the most effective manner. In 1869, Colt began development of a suitable cartridge revolver in earnest, first coming out with a number of conversions for their percussion lines, until 1872 when they debuted what was to become the Colt Model 1873 Single Action Army in the 1872 U.S. Trials. Needless to say, it won, and became the Army’s revolver of choice. It also became the sidearm of choice for many others like cowboys, guards, lawmen, crooks, shopkeepers and all manner of civilians.
The overall condition is very good. Original finish. The action has all four clicks and holds all three positions with solid cylinder lock up. The bore is bright with strong rifling. The grips show use and remain solid. The numbers match.
This firearm is classified as a Curio & Relic.
Barrel is 5-1/2 inches.
Caliber: .38-40 Winchester Center Fire
Overall condition as seen in photos.
Very Fast. Very Safe. FREE SHIPPING. Will need to be sent to your local FFL or C&R licensee. This firearm is classified as a Curio & Relic.